As such, PowerPoint 2007 is no longer supported. The new mechanism uses VBA incompatible with PowerPoint 2007. That's right no more squinting on the arrow when it looks lodged between 2 wedges! It can also display what value the wheel landed on. The result? A wheel far more pleasant to look at and maintain (almost up to par with the web wheel demo).
It now takes one click instead of two to spin, and instead of predefined triggers, it utilizes VBA to add a wheel spin animation with a random rotation. The previous mechanism was a nightmare to work on because I had to rewire all the animations each time I wanted to change a wedge, and each 'wheel' had 2 wheels stacked on top of each other. Today's nightly focuses on the wheel mechanism. Make sure to follow this topic if you want the latest updates it's gonna be a bumpy ride! These nightlies are exclusive to PowerPoint Creative. (The final release will support Mac, though.) Only the Windows version will receive nightlies, as I'd rather not spend time on the Mac port. Expect many bugs, especially since I haven't touched VBA for a long while. Introducing Wheel of Fortune for PowerPoint nightlies: rushed-out development builds that have not been tested. Wheel of Fortune for PowerPoint is getting another feature update because the web version's a long ways away, and I want new features now.